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Are immigration levels too high?

The debate on immigration has divided Canadians. In recent time our government continues to adjust immigration policies, sign international documents (UN Immigration Pact) and has unveiled a plan to continually increase the number of immigrants.

The argument for those who think Immigration is too high

They argue that the government is putting too many resources into bringing immigrants, while leaving people born in Canada to fend for themselves. Time and money are spent bringing individuals from China, India, Pakistan and Africa, making it difficult for Canadians to find jobs because of over saturation.

People are worried about illegal border crossings. If successful, these people work tax-free and enjoy some of the benefits of living in Canada. (The government did note the importance of stopping this and is spending resources to reinforcing the border security).

Some people also argue that too much money is used to fund asylum and refugee programs. While not addressing the unemployed Canadians. Which is 5.7% of the population[1],  and homeless, which is around 1% of the population[2]. While Canada does have humanitarian duties. Our main priority is to ensure a high standard of living suitable for all Canadians.

The argument for those against

Canada is built on immigration. Most people living in Canada are immigrants, or descendants of immigrants. “According to data from the 2016 census by Statistics Canada, 21.9% of the Canadian population reported they were or had ever been a landed immigrant or permanent resident in Canada. Nearly the 22.3% recorded during the 1921 Census, which was the highest level since the 1867 Confederation of Canada.”

Now, Canada is seeking a way to reinforce its economy. Canada will bring skilled and qualified individuals to work for Canadian companies to ease the transition of the baby boomer generation.

Some of the arguments that do not believe immigration levels are too high state that without immigration long-term growth for Canada’s economy will diminish. This is due to the aging population and the insufficient levels of workers. Canada’s Immigration system is ridged, only selecting skilled individuals. Those who meet the requirements for immigration and will improve Canada’s economic growth.

They also state that we need a larger population to fund our social service programs, especially with the aging workforce and declining birth rate. Health care and Social welfare programs are vital to the aging population who have worked for Canada throughout the past generation. In order to continue these programs, we will need the economic help of skilled immigrant workers


Both sides of the argument have valid points, but there will always be three sides to the coin. We need to take the time to review our policies and make sure the immigrants who are coming to Canada will add to the economy. For Canada to continue growing we will have to immigrate people. Canadians taxes should not be wasted, instead used to create opportunities for us.

However, the main priority should focus on the education for future generations. Education that prepares them to activity participate in the future economy, when our aging population retires. The government needs to ensure immigrants who come have access to the required resources they need to prosper. Without further immigration to stimulate the economy, governments may have to increase taxes or reduce social services with an insufficient workforce. Therefore Canada should continue on its path of immigration.





If you have any questions or concerns about wanting to immigrate to canada please contact us at:

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