Family Sponsorship and Temporary Visas

After your immigration process has been completed and you have status in Canada, either as a Permanent Resident or Canadian Citizen. You may ask yourself:  how do I bring my parents to Canada?

The only options to bring your relatives permanently is by filing a sponsorship application. If this is not possible due to the current immigration system, you may have the option to support an application for super visa or regular temporary visa.

Below are the requirements for each process:

Sponsorship for Permanent Residency

To qualify as a Sponsor, you need to demonstrate three years income prior to submitting the application, which should meet the minimum necessary income. established by the Government of Canada. This income required is calculated based on the number of family members.

In addition you must be at least 18 years old, and not be receiving social assistance.

Supporter for a Super Visa

You can support your parent with a Super Visa Application by providing a letter of invitation. This visa allows the holder to enter Canada for a maximum period of two years. It also allows multiple-entry for a period of ten years. To get the most out of this visa you should obtain a new passport that has a ten-year expiry date. This will allow the visa to last ten-year period.

As a supporter, you should meet the minimum necessary income for a period of 12 months. The amount required depends on the number of family members you have in your family

Additionally, applicants will need to purchase medical insurance for a period of one year that has a minimum of $100,000 coverage. Applicants will also be required to undergo medical examination, and provide a valid police clearance.


Supporter for a Regular Visitor Visa

This option has the least restrictions. Travelers must be in good health. No criminal related convictions. The main requirement is to prove that you have ties to your home country, and have sufficient funds to stay in Canada and to return home at the end of the authorized period.

Any visitor in Canada can stay up to 6 months. Depending on the country of origin, a medical examination may be required.

Anyone who wish to support someone for a visitor visa application should write a letter of invitation, and explain the type of support will be providing.


Furthermore, If you have any questions regarding sponsorship and Temporary Visas do not hesitate to contact our office by filling out the contact information form at:

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